Monday, January 31, 2011

40 4 40: 26 - Blessed Are They

Today at Mass, the Bishop delivered a homily about the Beatitudes, which was featured in today's Gospel reading.

He made a statement (paraphrased):  'In the history of human communication, no truer words have been spoken about Christian holiness.'

While I agree with the Bishop that no truer words have been spoken in all of human communication, a thought jumped into my head just after he said the 'Christian holiness' part.  I thought:  this is about HUMAN holiness.

Bottom line is this:

....even if you don't believe in God, Jesus, afterlife, Heaven, anything 'religious' or 'spiritual', you at least believe in doing good things.  You at least believe that everyone deserves goodness.

It just so happens that *I* call this motivation to be good "God".  What do YOU call it?

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