Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In The Pleasure Groove

In The Pleasure Groove ~ Love, Death and Duran Duran, is a book newly released by John Taylor (@thisistherealjt), bassist of none other than my most favorite band, Duran Duran (@DuranDuran).  He's recorded it, so it's available on audiobook soon! Needless to say, I'm superexcited about this!  I recently purchased Andy Taylor's book on iTunes.  I really want to learn more about the life behind the life of the man.  

I've talked with many friends who play music, some more accomplished than others.  I hear in different media, too, about the genius of John's bass playing.  I can't really relate to that level of appreciation because I don't play any instruments, nor have I studied music, but I know this:  I feel good when I hear the music to which he's contributed.  His bass lines serve a vital purpose in each song.  I appreciate his love of music, his love of humanity and his sharing this with the world.  He delivers *me* Into The Pleasure Groove. Yeah, baby.

Here's a YouTube video of him reading a snippet of his book.  Enjoy!


Monday, September 24, 2012

National Punctuation Day

I was enlightened today.  There's a National Punctuation Day.  For grammar nerds like me, this is rather a fun "holiday".

Here's a punctuation game for your enjoyment:

Learn more here.