Friday, January 28, 2011

40 4 40: 24 - Honoring Krista and the Challenger Mission

I subscribe to a photo blog from the Boston Globe.  It's wonderful -- you should do it too!

Today's blog honors the fallen of the Challenger mission, focusing on Christa McAulliffe, that ended in fiery fright on this day 25 years ago.  *sobering*

As I was looking through the pictures and reading some of the captions, my body began to tingle.  Then, a thought occurred to me:

We are watching the final moments of a woman (and crew) who is about to die. 

Her life was captured on camera, as was her death.  In today's world, with the internet pushing information so quickly, it's hard to imagine that back then, it was a reality show of sorts. I intend no disrespect, nor do I mean to diminish the event in any way.  But it's a good context in which to relate the event.

What a beautiful life she had. She shared it with all of us. Teaching is one of those shovedundertherug professions. Through time, the value of a teacher has been devalued, which is a shame.  Krista shared her life with children and their families in a classroom until, one day, she shared it with you and me.

I hope you'll take some time to reflect on the importance of a teacher, specifically the impact that Krista had on your life. I hope, too, that you'll find away to bolster a teacher.

Lastly, discern on the fact that the 1986 event wasn't only about the life and death of a teacher. It was a true story about how an every person can achieve their potential and beyond. It's about discovering those unknown frontiers in both our universe, and our inner-selves.

Dare to dream and live it. Take the risk.

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