Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bleeding Heart

...because in both of us there's always movement, renewal, surprises. I have never known stagnation. Not even introspection has been a still experience... ~Anais Nin

These words have been knocking on the door.  Well, more truthfully, pounding their fists, the door being pierced by blades of screams, desperate, panicked begging for release.

I have been undergoing some SERIOUSLY INTENSE soul searching.  It's painful -- very, so very painful.  And because I cling so tightly to pain = growth and that good comes from bad, I grit my teeth, squint my eyes, clench my fists and work through it.  I suffer and grief.

I cannot remember a time in life when I have felt more uncomfortable.

I ache on multiple levels and for a myriad of reasons.  I ache for contradictory ideals.  I long for opposing reasons of being.  Mostly I want to be in solitude for an extended period of time, at a beach with the wind caressing my body, the occasional sting of my hair slapping against my cheek per whip of the wind.  I can feel my toes in the moist sand as I sit and look into The Great Beyond. 

I clearly am confused.
I clearly do not know what I want.
Those are the only clear things in my life right now.

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