Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Penny in My Pants

When My Dad died, My Mom shared with me a little ditty and an accompanying custom they shared.  I am going to share it with you in words, and if you choose to exercise it in your own way, well, I think My Dad would be flattered.

My Dad told My Mom that after he passes away, whenever she sees a penny, to pick it up and know that it's him sending her a message that he's thinking about her from Heaven.

Sweet, huh?

So, since My Mom told me this story, I've adopted it. 

On my wedding day, I found a penny in the Bride's Room. 

When My Little One was born, I found a penny on the floor of my hospital room the day we were discharged.

After closing on my first house, I arrived full of pride, walking toward the door a penny sparkled in the dampness of the walkway.

There have been a few occasions of his birthday, Veteran's Day, or the anniversary of his death date that I've spotted a penny and smiled, or cried, or closed my eyes and exhaled.

Today, I was in a little car accident.  A woman didn't notice that I was at a stop drove right into the back of my leased car.  *cringe*  My Little One and I are fine, no injuries.  The driver who hit us is also fine.  It all worked out well and we are all safe.

After leaving to return to work, I cleaned up the spilled change, the flung pens and bags, returning everything neatly into their respective places. 

This is also the day that my department went out to lunch as a group to the Twisted Root (yum! still!) to belatedly celebrate those of us who have January birthdays (ahem!).  In a hurried pace toward the elevator office, I am swinging my shiny black coat around from one shoulder to the other when something glistening on my pant leg catches my eye.

I stop dead in my tracks, eyes fixated on this copper beaming from the cuff of my black capris.

I bend over and open the cuff.  Lo and behold....

....a penny in my pants!

I pulled it out and held it between my thumb and index finger for a few moments, feeling the details of Abraham on one side, the institution on the other.  I noticed the year printed on it is 2008.  All that noticing in a flash of a second, somehow swimming in the the comfort that My Dad was with me.  He protected me in the accident this morning and reminded me that he loves me, he's still with me and he wishes me a happy birthday.


  1. I am sitting here with tears running down my face. What a wonderful comfort you have received that you can carry with you throughout your life. Us girls and our dads!!

  2. mybabyjohn -- thanks so much for the kind words, the tears and the time you took to read and comment! i am most flattered...
