Sunday, January 24, 2010

Music Minute: Hope For Haiti's J.T. & M.M. Sing "Hallelujah"

 My prayers are many for Haitians and all the support staff that are in that broken region of our world.  I cannot get my head wrapped around the shocking number of deaths, a crumbled country, the rubble, people rotting, the hunger to follow and the horrific deficiency of the simplest physical gift from God:  water.

I choose not to read or watch the news.  I can barely handle the blurbs I hear about on the sports talk radio station to which I listen.  I don't really miss the information, and my mood is lighter as a result of the negativity being eliminated.  But Haiti is the kind of news that can't be un-watched; that kind of news shoves herself to the front of the line and stands nose-to-nose with me, challenging me to ingore her. 

I don't ignore her.

The Hope For Haiti concert was televised, but I didn't watch it.  Later, I went to check email at MSN and its homepage had a video of Justin Timberlake, so I clicked on it (I like J.T., -- what can I say?!).  And I watched it.  And I hurt.  But I hoped.

The song I have playing on my page is the song that J.T. sang with Matt Morris.  It's called "Hallelujah", and is not an original of Justin's.  He and Matt together sang it beautifully.  Though it's slow and somber, I felt uplifted.

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