Saturday, January 02, 2010

One Girl's Loss is A Tooth Fairy's Gain by The Tooth Fairy, Guest Blogger

I've been expecting the bottom incisor for over six months now.  I've grown weary of waiting for it.  Even her parents have been trying to coax her to surrender that tooth that is 'floating there', words used by her orthodontist who offered to professionally and tenderly remove it just before Christmas.  I overheard her parents on their trip to Georgia telling her to pull the tooth on Christmas Eve so that both Santa AND I could visit her.  What kid wouldn't love THAT?!

But no.

No incisor yet for me.

Good news arrived for me today, though!

Instead, today, she gave me GOLD, baby!  A molar!  Yessssss!  She ripped out a molar for me.  Who needs a chumpy incisor when I could do so much more with that giant molar?!  Sure, the baby incisors always come in handy, so I never turn them away.  But a molar.....  oh joy in Heaven!

She told her mom that no other kids in her class have lost a molar yet.  She loves being the first at everything it seems.  Such a sweet child....

Tonight, she lay sleeping.  It seems she forgot to take off her glasses.  I bet she kept them on thinking she'd get a clear glimpse of me.  Silly girl.

I searched under the pillow for that molar.  I was afraid I'd wake her with my squeals of excitement.  When I reached under the pillow, NOTHING!


I began to panic at first, but then heard the wisdom of my mom:  breathe.

*deep breath*breathbreathbreath*deeeeep breath*

I fluttered about, checking under her hair, then I wriggled in her hand, afraid the tickle on her palm would cause her to freak out and inadvertently throw me to the wall in fear that I was a bug instead of the Tooth Fairy.  Luckily, she didn't flinch an inch.  I flew a little higher hoping the aerial view would be kind to me.  As I neared the ceiling, I noticed this cute little tent with a cracker inside.  I landed on the dresser and peeked inside the tent.  Not only was there a cracker (way too big -- too much for lil ole me to eat!), there was also a refreshing cup of water.

I look down to watch my footing and see I am stepping on a note.  It's a note for ME! 

Look what the note says...tee hee hee

She's left me a note pointing out a list she's placed to the side of the tent.  It looks like it was her Christmas List, but I think it hangs up all year 'round.  Anyway, this girl knows what she wants.  And clearly, she knows the value of a molar.  She drives a hard bargain.

In case you can't read it, the notes say:

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I want a bag of fairy dust.  If you want to see what else I want, please look at the list pages 1 of 3.  ~Eldest
P.S. Just take the tooth.  It is in the creme color {sic} pouch.  ~Eldest  page 2 of 2

P.S.S. Take a tour of the house. 
P.S.S.S.  I left you a snack.

Okay.  That's all pretty cool.  No kid has ever made me my own house complete with gift ideas, foodies AND a tooth!  Gotta love this girl!  More kids should take notes from her....(like my pun?!  hahaha)

I read over her Gift List.  I hope she's not disappointed in what I've left her; it's not on her list.  I left her a new Nintendo DS game.

I'm feeling pretty sleepy after gnawing on that cracker.  When I sipped the water, it made that cracker bloat up in my belly and now I'm stuffed!  But not too stuffed to have at least responded to her note:

Since I'm so small (she's right!), I know my handwriting is probably hard to read.  Here is what I wrote back to her:

Dear Eldest, 
Thank you for the snack and shack!
I hope you don't mind a new DS game instead of the list you left me.  xo ~Tooth Fairy
P.S.  Give me that other tooth!

I love my job!

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