Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm Such A Sucker for this Kind of Stuff!

A- Available or Single? Is it just me, or is this saying the same thing? I am married, so I guess neither.....? I guess if I had an open marriage, I could say "available".

B - Best Friend? The two C's - one in Virginia and the other in New York State.

C - Cake or Pie? How about cake AND pie!? I'm digging Cherry Pie a lot lately. I like Pecan Pie (of course I do! I'm Texan!) I also lurve the chocolate cake from P.F. Changs (orgasmic!). Not much other than those. Why discriminate against Dove chocolate, Raisinettes, chocolate mousse, certain kids of cheesecake, brownies, chocolate chip cookies (warm, soft ones with oatmeal preferably like the ones that are at Potbelly's. mmmmmm)?

D - Drink of Choice? Non-alcoholic: water & coca cola. Occasionally a Sunkist. And the yummmmmmy sweet tea from Chick-Fil-A. Alcoholic: Duh. Long Island Iced Teas. Frozen Margaritas, Llano Estacado blush, any Reisling, most white wines as long as they aren't *too* dry. I don't do reds at room temperature; they have to be chilled or on ice, or mixed with say (cold) 7-up or Ginger Ale. Oh! And as far as shots are concerned: B-52's, Royal F*cks, and Kazis. Prost!

E - Essential Item(s)? Family. Does music count as an "item"? I need music -- good music. How about air conditioning? Is that an item? If yes, put me down for that too. Gotta have cool air in the hot Texas heat.

F - Favorite Color? Blue, all shades.

G - Gummi Bears or Worms? Hello little gummi bear. I'm going to eat your head now! Now I am going to eat your feetsies. All of you now in my belly. Gummi is yummy in my tummy.

H - Hometown? Again, this is hard to answer because of my mobile history. Born in Fairbanks, Alaska, but spent formative years in El Paso. Live in Dallas now. I'd say, El Paso or Dallas is my hometown; however, the safest bet: Texas is my hometown. Yee Haw!

I - Indulgence? IRC chat, all foods because I'm a binge eater/food addict, sarcastic and erotic blogs (yet not necessarily in the same blog) and the occasional pedicure.

J - January or February? January because it's my birthday month! And we all know how I feel about celebrating my birthday. If you don't up here and here!

K - Kids? I have 2. They are both princesses. Age 6 (and a half!), and 14 months.

L - Life is incomplete without…? family and vacations.

M - Marriage Date: August 22, 2003.

N - Number of Siblings: To be perfectly technical, I am an only child; however I have 3 half brothers, only 1 to which I have a relationship. He lives in Georgia and I love him dearly.

O - Oranges or Apples? Both! Clementines are the bomb. On the other hand, I love a cold, crisp granny smith apple.

P - Phobias/Fears: big, jumping spiders; falling from heights; getting stabbed, being burned by fire. I also fear that my kids will be sexually molested or kidnapped. I am afraid of being thin.

Q - Favorite Quote: Here are three:

Be still and know that I am God.
You must do the thing that you think you cannot do.
~Eleanor Roosevelt~
Just because you haven't finished college doesn't mean you aren't smart.
~Lotsa People~

R - Reasons to Smile? It'd be easier to list reasons NOT to smile. However, to be in line with the true spirit of the question: sexy men, David Allen Coe's "You Don't Have To Call Me Darlin" song, imbibing on a bottle of Llano Estacado blush at the end of a long week, sexy men wearing jeans, watching my kids, sexy men who are wearing Cool Water cologne, a corny joke, most things chocolate, and a (sexy) man who will dance with me. That's all #1.

S - Season? Fall

T - Tag Three: I don't even know what this means. Someone translate and I'll fill it in....

U - Unknown Fact About Me: I participated in the Miss Teen Texas pageant when I was 16.

V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? I deeply desire to be vegetarian but not brave enough. I love meat too much.

W - Worst habits? Binge eating. Interrupting.

X - X-rays or Ultrasounds? depends on what we're looking at/for

Y - Your Favorite Foods: Dark Chocolate. Milk chocolate. Dove chocolate. Pizza. Ice cream (must have chocolate). Chips and salsa. Seasoned french fries dipped in ranch dressing. Pineapple.

Z - Zodiac: The Water Bearer (on the cusp)

1 comment:

  1. tag three means you need to tag 3 other people to do this meme......
