Saturday, February 07, 2015

Year Fourteen


Has it really been that long?

I guess so....

Where does the time go?

Fourteen years ago you winked in the wake of your death, leaving me a better woman than even the hour before you died.

I wish you were here.
In a way where I could laugh with you, play some cards and hug on ya. In a way where my kids can get your wisdom directly from you. But I will always be glad to carry that duty for you and mom. Always.


Today one your favorite songs played:

There were seven Spanish angels at the Altar of the Sun
They were praying for the lovers at the Valley of the Gun
When the battle stopped and the smoke cleared,
There was thunder from the throne,
And seven Spanish angels, took another angel home

Just thought I'd let you know I know.

Missing you,

P.S. I found a penny on the train today. Thanks, Daddy. I love you, too.

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