1. On why she's anti masturbation: "If he already knows what pleases him and he can please himself, then why am I in the picture?" Have you ever heard a stupider statement? If yes, when?
This is a Catholic's way of saying, "I'm Catholic and we're not allowed to masturbate."
And for the record, there is ALWAYS stupider. <~~ here's just a sample
2. “Physics put people in spiritual harm the way pimps put people in physical harm.” Do you believe that prostitution should be legalized?
Sure, why not? Make it a source of taxation/revenue. That'll take care of the civil side of things.
3. “We took the Bible out of public schools. Now we're having weekly shootings. We had the 60s sexual revolution and now people are dying from aids.” What benefits do you think the 60s' sexual revolution has given us?
I wasn't alive then, but I'm sure I'm reaping some benefit of which I'm completely ignorant. So, thanks 60's Revolution!
4. “The Bible says that lust in your heart in committing adultery.” Do you think having a sexual fantasy when you're married or part of a couple is wrong?
In the biblical sense, yes, if the fantasy especially is about someone other than your partner. I think it's human nature, though, therefore impossible to abstain from it.
5. On co-ed dorms: “What's next? Orgy rooms? Menage-trois rooms? Coedness is like a radical agenda forced on college students.” Have you ever been asked to participate in other than a one on one sexual experience?
Yes, I have been asked. The end.
Oh. You want more details?
Okay - I was not asked in a dorm. The end.

Dorothy the Dinosaur is my favorite. She's silly, can sing, loves roses and is famous.
7. “I dabbled in witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not making this stuff up." What's the strangest thing that you “dabbled” in?
Dieting. So dumb. Glad I'm over that.
8. "I am not a clone of Sarah Palin. I have my own thoughts." How different is Sarah Palin's political agenda from your own?
I don't know the entirety of her agenda since I don't watch the news and purposefully try to avoid politics. In my Switzerland style, I'll simply say that I agreed with her on some things and disagreed on others.
9. "American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains." What animal would you like your brain cross breed with?
I'd like to cross breed with.... wait.
Is this some sort of cheezy pick up line spawned by Question 5?
Ohhhh -- you almost got me on that one. Clever. I'm cleverER!
10. "[H]omosexuals [are] getting away with nudity! They're getting away with lasciviousness! They're getting away with perversion!" Have nude homosexuals ever interfered with your day?
No, they haven't. Just nude heteros interfere with my day. :P
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