Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekly Word of the Weak: Gestalt

1. a configuration, pattern, or organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component parts; a unified whole.
2. an instance or example of such a unified whole.

I first heard this word when Dr. LP used a test of gestalt to evaluate the perceptual abilities of a patient. He had a small cup of tiny trinkets that included a thimble, a paperclip, an eraser, a battery, and a few other such items. The patient was asked to put their hands behind their back. The patient was then instructed that the doctor would place an item in the hands. The patient had to feel it, try to define it and say their guess out loud without laying eyes on the item.

I hadn't heard the word used in any other context. Then, the other day...someone was talking about an attraction to someone they'd never met but had passing conversations with, even seen a photo or two ~ nothing lewd, just candid shots from situations in every day life. This person described the attraction as "gestalt".

From then on, I figured one could talk about many things in different contexts using the word gestalt.

Give it a try....and feel free to let me know what you've created.

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