Saturday, May 10, 2008

Iron Man

OMG what a friggin fantabulous movie. I'm sure the fact that My Husband and I were out, alone, on an actual date helped elevate this movie to the ephermeral experience that I am describing, but seriously, it's a good move. Worth the money, worth the time.

Robert Downey, Jr. hits a homerun and I'm so thrilled for him. I hope he doesn't get all 'less than zero' again. I hope this success is truly his as a reward for years of sobriety work in the past and a promise of it in the future.

One thing's for sure: he's still as sexy as ever! Dark, brooding eyes. Spunky hair. Clean lines on his facial hair. He has wonderful lines on his face when he smiles. Even beefed up his muscles a bit showing off some beautiful guns and a nice set of pectorals. Very lickable indeed.

He and Gwynneth Paltrow, who looks very chic with that red hair, have some rockin' on-screen chemistry, too.
I was so excited after I saw this movie that I was Pepper and My Husband was Tony and never mind.

(not really!)

BUT, I was indeed so excited after this movie that when I woke up the next morning, I burned Black Sabbath's "Ironman" on a CD so we could listen to it on the way to East Texas in the car. While the CD was burning, I pulled out my box of comics and ooo'd and ahhhh'd over them. Even found a 1983 publication of an Iron Man comic that belongs to My Husband. (Ahem. I have the superior comic book collection between the two of us. You know....just sayin'.)
And, playing into this whole "Super Hero" theme that's going on in my house, The Girls are loving that Daddy is Iron Man. Now we have Wonder Woman, Iron Man (R.I.P. Batman), Sock Ninja and Hot Dog Girl (what kind of legacy did WW and IM leave exactly?!).
In closing, my favorite line in the movie is at the end when Tony Stark is giving a press conference in which he is reading an "official" (debriefed) statement. He is not to digress from the official statement. There is a moment when he veers off and says (paraphrasing), 'Did you just stay I'm a superhero?' to one of the sassy reporters in the front, '...because, y'know, that'd be ridiculous. And fabulous.'
Well said, Tony Stark.
From your ridiculous and fabulous fan,
Wonder Woman

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! I usually don't get excited by comic book movies because they usually suck in my opinion. Lots of wild camera moves and tons of exposition crammed into the first half hour and lots of shit blowing up the second half hour. Iron Man was wayy better than that and it's all because of Robert Downey. That dude acted his ass off and I never once felt like it was hokey or cartoony. Oh yeah. Big thumbs up.

    El Dave-O
