Monday, March 10, 2008

The Rising of Lazarus

I have to admit, this Lent has been VERY difficult for me. My heart isn't in it. I'm not in a place where I welcome my faith wholeheartedly. I'm half-assing it this year. I've willingly eaten meat on Fridays. I haven't followed through with my Lenten commitments. I can't believe Easter is upon us already!

The story of the Rising of Lazarus is simply eloquent, yet so incredibly soul-stirring. What I love about this passage so much is that Jesus is 'perturbed' and Jesus 'wept', and he was 'deeply troubled' As I read this passage and reflect, what is revealed to me is this:

Jesus and I are no different from one another in our human forms!
Jesus IS human!
He was PERTURBED. Jesus was irritated! He was frustrated!!
He WEPT. He shed tears because he was so sad that people didn't 'get it'. His OWN INNER CIRCLE *still* DO NOT 'get it'!

How frustrating and sad that must've been for Him, indeed.......

I have learned from my priest to see the story behind the story. What a challenge! I'm always so thankful that Monsignor provides me with a clue so I don't have to actually pick up my Bible, read the passage and think (egads!)! (Shame on me!)

An image that the priest described was an alternate meaning to the useage of "flesh" in scripture. Often times "humanity" can be interchanged with the word "flesh". Pretty cool, huh? I'm going to try in future readings to see if that substitution works. Should be quite revealing and thought-provoking.

I am piqued by the cautious belief of the sisters Martha and Mary. Mary, especially. Mary says (paraphrasing): I don't get it, but I believe. I don't understand this, but okay; I surrender. You are The One. Damn! It's so hard to just surrender, isn't it? I believe I've embraced the concept as I've aged, but oh my, still such a struggle...still a long way to go to get to that disposition of Mary.

I am also reminded by this scripture reading that I need to learn more about historical context in biblical times. I need to learn more about Judaism and Israel, the customs and traditions of the time when Jesus walked the Earth. I bring this up because something was said during the homily that some researchers actually consider this story to be the final straw of what divided the beleivers and the nonbelievers. It is what divided the Christians and the Jews. I want to understand that more academically so I can understand it in it's truth. I've no opinion at this point because I'm claiming ignorance; which is exactly why I need to...pick up more religious material and learn.

Ahhhh Thomas. Doubting Thomas. Love him!

Off to another blog post.....

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