Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Rumors Are True and Another Music Minute

I'm starting a new job on the 21st!

I've been with my company for six and a half years. It's a good company with a great culture. Considering I don't have a college degree, it's been extremely rewarding. I feel like they are loyal to me, which I understand is a rare sentiment in most workplaces anymore.

I have been in my current role (Supervisor) for over three years now. I can't move to manager because I don't have my degree. I won't be getting it in accounting anyway. I've been a little bored over the last year or so.

Back in November, I initated some discussion to see if I had opportunity in our land department. As I found out much later, there was a buzz about my interest and those Powers That Be liked the idea of me moving from accounting to operations.

Then...last week...I get a phone call!

That afternoon I had a couple of interviews. Was actually offered two different jobs, and I got to pick which I thought I might like best (the other was Regulatory). Honestly, I feel confident I can do both, but I chose the Land job because my accounting experience here will blend a little more nicely, plus it has more career potential I'm told.

The higher-up bosses had some conversations, and it was all approved. I now start at the bottom, which is perfectly fine for me. I'm moving to a different floor into a smaller cube, which is just fine by me. I won't have to write performance reviews anymore (yay!), or track vacation time (wahoo!). I'll get a whole new set of skills (zoiks!). It's more money (I'll drink to that!). And, the best part is, I can stay at this company.

So, things might be turning around a little. At least for these few weeks, I'll be uplifted by this change. As a result, a good tune by Duran Duran..."Skin Divers". It features Timbaland.

Coming up for air.....


  1. WHOOHOO!! Congrats, you're officially a runt again! Welcome! :)

  2. Hey congrats!! woot!

    Now you can quit putting up melancholy pictures and put festive ones. You'll be livin' the high life in no time!

    *pat on the back*

  3. That is awesome! Who will be taking your place now?
