Tuesday, June 06, 2006


It has begun.
My Eldest has officially gone off the deep end with boys. Are girls that are five supposed to be so in-tune with boys? Is it possible that she is already boy cray-zee?
She talks about marrying one boy. They have plans to go on a "world tour" to Italy, Australia (and the exotic enchanted land of) Iowa. They were so convincing that at a parent-teacher conference, their teacher asked this boy's parents, "Are you guys going to Italy this summer and taking Jackie's Eldest with you?" Ha!
This Eldest Daughter of Mine goes to swimming lessons with two boys - we'll call them George and Matt (the aforementioned unknowing betrothed) - that were in her Montessori class. The three of us moms get together with or without our kids. So, I expect a certain level of interest by My Eldest in these two boys since they have been in school together for almost 2, 3 years now and have developed quite the social life between themselves. However, the interest is borderline frightening these days.....
After being dropped off at home from swimming lessons by George and his Mom, and George has left the building, My Eldest says, "Whatever am I going to do about my boyfriend?!" I'm not clear what occurred in her little brain to be so exasperated suddenly. Instead of trying to figure it out, I cut right to the chase.
I ask, "What boyfriend?"
She matter-of-factly states, "Matt and George".
I do the math and think to myself that's TWO boyfriends. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend" I reply in complete denial.
Her - "mm hmm" as she quickly departs my company and attends to her happy business slithering on the pergo around the living room in her blue and purple Speedo practicing the newly acquired swimming skill of gliding.
Both of these boys are fine suitors for My Eldest, so the issue isn't that she's hooking up with bad boys. It's the fact that she is so in-tune with romance, couplehood, marriage, yadda yadda yadda. I suppose this is preparation for what's to come later, but I'm not prepared for the preparation yet! Give me till 8 or 10 years old at least! Sheesh!
So innocent in the mind of a 5 year old. To a 35 year old, pure fright.
(Note to self: Quit projecting, Jackie.....quit projecting.)
I better go now so I can get the guns ready.

1 comment:

  1. As you mentioned, either young man would be a fine suitor, or at least a champion of her majesty Z. Still, them boys have a long way to go to "catch up" to the dreamy romantic notions of girl/woman that peek about as early as this. At least they "cooked" together. The ponies didn't have wheels/wings/or things that blow up but had barretts which could potentially make good darts/missiles for the straw gun.

    One day those two boys will wake up to those big brown batting eyes and fall deeply in. THEN we're truly in trouble.
