Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bucket List: Winchester Mystery House

I first heard about The Winchester Mystery House about ten or so years ago. As I write this blog, I'm trying to remember from where I heard it Seems like it was on one of those travel shows on cable. Maybe it was an Extreme Homes?

Anyway, one thing that struck me initially is it's claim that it's the house that was never finished being built. Sarah Winchester was a 19th century eccentric socialite that drifted toward reclusiveness. What began as a traditional Queen Victoria-style home eventually became a haunted maze.

Some quick facts:
  • Doors open into empty space (no floor)
  • 10,000+ windows
  • 160+ rooms
  • Staircases that dead-end abruptly
  • Lots of secret passages
  • Allegedly HAUNTED!

Maybe I'll take a trip out to San Jose to see it.....

Will I see you there?

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Missing Mom on Mother's Day

The rings she wore, that barely stayed on her skinny fingers.

Her cackling laugh.

Her dancing.

Her juniors-sized clothing choices.

When her false teeth would unpredictably come loose (she'd cackle!).

Weekend breakfasts.

The annual birthday call to me where she'd sing "Happy Birthday".

Buying My Girls that stupid pre-fab gingerbread house at Christmas!

No matter what, I got a Valentine's Day card from her.

That steadfast support of me when things got tough.

These are a few of the things I miss about my mom this Mother's Day. And every day.

Yesterday was her birthday. Today's Mother's Day. I've done way more crying than I expected; like a useawholekleenexbox crying. That crying you do when you hide in your bed under the sheets, comforter and a sea of pillows just to feel like you're being hugged. Yeah, that's the weekend I'm having.

This means she's missed.

This means she is loved.

Happy Mother's Day, Momma!

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

It's May 1st

You can have your Lei Day, Hawaii.

Welcome to the United States, Guam.

Happy Anniversary to Elvis & Priscilla!

Ayrton Senna, you were a grace to this world.

But today, Cocullo, Italy wins May 1st in my book.

Welcome to the Serpent Ceremony: