And let me tell ya, they're the cats meows! They're the cats pajamas! They're swell!
Meet Gabe and Finn. They're five month old brothers. We bought brothers for Sisters. MLO and My Eldest are - how do you sayyy? -- OMGWTFBBQPON!ES over them!
Half-stache on the left, that's Gabe. No-stache on the right, Finn.
These boys were adopted.
I don't know what I'm doing. I've hated cats most of my whole life. I mean the kind of hate just shy of "I wouldn't care if I ran over one". I, like so many others, thought of them as too independent, aloof, mean, moody, and on and on.
The Girls were begging for cats since we didn't have any pets. They've been asking for over a year now. I've hesitated because of several reason to include the extra financial burden, the fact that when we leave town, we'd have to think about the cat(s), I wasn't ready for the extra responsibility (we have enough going on as it is....). The most important hesitation: I am allergic to some cats.
It was a Sunday.
I was picking My Eldest up from work, which is a couple doors down from a Petco.
MLO was with me, of course. As per usual, she asked if she could go inside and look at the cats. My Eldest saw a beta fish display as soon as we walked in and asked if we could get a fish. I said, "sure, why not?", thinking that having a fish will subside the begging for a cat.
MLO was looking at the cats and comes to ask us to look at them with her. On the way to the adoption area, were box turtles. My Eldest asked if we could get that instead of a fish. I told her we'd need to find out the cost, and if I could afford it, we could. I used to have box turtles named Simon and Lana, so I had no objection to this relatively maintenance-free "pet". The three of us go looking for a sales associate, conveniently right past the cat adoption area! (Imagine that?!)
Y'all, these two cats - brothers - were snuggled like a yin & yang in one round bed. Gabe had his whole arm over Finn as if they were huddled together. IT WAS SO HONEY SWEET! I said, "ohmygosh, they are SO CUTE! Whoever adopts them needs to keep them together!". I think I sealed my fate right then and there.
Hanging on the cage next to them were personality description cards that also included their names and ages. The girls read them and each cat's personality matched up with each girl's personality. Oh the squealing and begging that followed was amazingly peerpressure-ish and I caved! I closed my eyes, said, "self, let's be impulsive! Don't think. Just DO!". These two girls were soooo happy! One thing swiftly lead to another and another and I was calling the adoption facility, setting up appointments and asking questions, calculating cost.
Luckily, I know several cat owners and knew I could rely on them for help. The three of us are new to cat ownership and I just didn't want to screw anything up (like you see on Jackson Galaxy's My Cat from Hell). AND, the best news of all -- I was not allergic to these cats! Yay!
It's been a couple weeks and we couldn't be happier. Once we got them out from under the couch, snuggled them a lotlot, they are bonding with us.
I love these cats.
I love having them.
I love learning about them.
I love that My Daughters are so immensely happy to have them!
Stay tuned....I'm sure there will be more cat tales!