Today, the U.S. Supreme Court is going to hear a very important case. Thank you, Justices, for giving Farmer Victor Bowman a listen.
If you don't know about the wickedness of Monsato, educate yourself.
Here's an article to get you started about today's hearing.
For those of you who have seen me -- all of me -- you know I'm not exactly a lean picture of health. I'm overweight, sagging. I don't exercise or eat properly. You might call me a hypocrite for eating one way and "preaching" the opposite. I suppose that's fair. I'd argue "preaching" is more like "educating".
As a parent, most especially, I want my children to know more than I do, to do better than I did. Isn't that the goal of all of us as parents -- to improve our legacy, to leave a lasting imprint on humanity. (Childless folks, yes, I know this isn't limited only to parents. You'll hopefully see my perspective/point as you read further.)
I grew up at a time when high fructose corn sugar (HFCS) was brand new to the big food industry. Of course, big food is looking to reduce cost, so this was a no-brainer sugar substitute. Research is showing more and more evidence of how the brain and body responds to HFCS, and it's not good. In fact, it's bad, very bad. I'm 100% convinced that the use of this sugar substitute has had a hand in my food addiction. Yes, my food choices are my food choices and I take individual responsibility for making the good and the bad ones, but growing up, I didn't have the choice. I ate what was put in front of me. My parents didn't know, either. So, no one's to *blame*. Especially now that I'm an adult, am more informed, I definitely am to blame for my own in/actions.
But I can work hard to empower my kids with knowledge. I can serve them foods that are prepared with the fewest chemicals and preservatives possible. I've worked to remove HFCS from my house; the biggest culprit is soda. We're eating more gluten-free foods, organic foods. I don't serve canned fruit or vegetables. I buy meats and eggs that are from hormone-supplemented and antibiotic free animals.
Between having BOA (now 12) and MLO (soon to be 7), I learned a LOT about food and ingredients in food. I look back with a bit of regret knowing that MLO got more healthy, pure, raw foods than BOA did. BOA wasn't breastfed as long (due to my milk drying up as a result of the stress of the death of my father), and when it came time to start baby food, I bought all the crap that's out there. I didn't take organic seriously, plus IT'S EXPENSIVE! I didn't even look at labels. I now know that HFCS is in most all baby food, the affordable kind especially, EVEN THE VEGETABLES! Corn is used at filling for some meats and foods. Ugh. I shudder to think of the shit we're putting in our children. I worry about the future health of America.
MLO was breastfed far longer and I made pretty much all her baby food at home. I boiled carrots, apples, pears, squash, zucchini, and on and on. I put the batches of food in baby jars and froze them.
It might be just coincidence, but MLO eats and asks for more vegetables than BOA does. Certainly age plays a factor right now; it's somehow embarrassing to like vegetables. I pack a fruit, a vegetable, a grain and a protein, along with either bottled water or a veggie/fruit juice. I'm very curious to know how they'll turn out as adults. BOA seems to be making smarter choices and controlling her portions more. In other words, she's taking on more of the responsibility of her own food choices -- and making good ones at that.
I'm horrible at my diet. I'm not horrible at helping others. Hopefully soon, I'll read enough disgusting things to make me actually take personal action. In the meantime, please pray for this farmer to win this case today. Please pray for all people who are affected by bullshit companies like Monsato.