Monday, February 25, 2013

Respect for Tom Brady

So much this ----->  "To be the highest-paid, or anything like that, is not going to make me feel any better,'' he said in 2005. "That's not what makes me happy. In this game, the more one player gets, the more he takes away from what others can get. Is it going to make me feel any better to make an extra million, which, after taxes, is about $500,000? That million might be more important to the team.'' 


Yeah, Tom Brady said that. He is quoted in this article on


Why can't we have more players like him?? We need more TEAM players in the league -- all leagues, as a matter of fact. 

Troy Aikman was like this, too, which is the genesis of my respect for him. Never mind the Super Bowl rings, the post-season accomplishments, the records and his brilliance in both the Aikman Ratings and his broadcasting, the bottom line is Aikman was (is) a team player.  Brady personifies this in today's game, too.


Brady is a polarizing quarterback; you either love him or hate him. But no one, and I mean NO ONE, can deny his pure talent and eminence. 

Thank you, Mr. Brady, for being a fine example of sports humility, brotherhood, achievement, decency all while being fiercely diligent and competitive. Thank you for modeling what most of the NFL players should be. Lastly, thanks for being fun to watch on the field.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

June, Please?

Here's what I found online today about Farmer Bowman v Monsato at the U.S. Supreme Court hearing from yesterday.

(1) Um, Supreme Court, have you ever heard of Assisted Listening Devices?
(2) This farmer is a giggle -- the hat thing! and the ether thing! and the FREEZER thing! 
(3) Monsato better not win.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Food Matters

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court is going to hear a very important case. Thank you, Justices, for giving Farmer Victor Bowman a listen.

If you don't know about the wickedness of Monsato, educate yourself.

Here's an article to get you started about today's hearing. 


For those of you who have seen me -- all of me -- you know I'm not exactly a lean picture of health.  I'm overweight, sagging. I don't exercise or eat properly.  You might call me a hypocrite for eating one way and "preaching" the opposite. I suppose that's fair.  I'd argue "preaching" is more like "educating".

As a parent, most especially, I want my children to know more than I do, to do better than I did. Isn't that the goal of all of us as parents -- to improve our legacy, to leave a lasting imprint on humanity.  (Childless folks, yes, I know this isn't limited only to parents. You'll hopefully see my perspective/point as you read further.)  

I grew up at a time when high fructose corn sugar (HFCS) was brand new to the big food industry. Of course, big food is looking to reduce cost, so this was a no-brainer sugar substitute.  Research is showing more and more evidence of how the brain and body responds to HFCS, and it's not good. In fact, it's bad, very bad. I'm 100% convinced that the use of this sugar substitute has had a hand in my food addiction.  Yes, my food choices are my food choices and I take individual responsibility for making the good and the bad ones, but growing up, I didn't have the choice. I ate what was put in front of me. My parents didn't know, either. So, no one's to *blame*.  Especially now that I'm an adult, am more informed, I definitely am to blame for my own in/actions.

But I can work hard to empower my kids with knowledge. I can serve them foods that are prepared with the fewest chemicals and preservatives possible. I've worked to remove HFCS from my house; the biggest culprit is soda.  We're eating more gluten-free foods, organic foods. I don't serve canned fruit or vegetables. I buy meats and eggs that are from hormone-supplemented and antibiotic free animals.

Between having BOA (now 12) and MLO (soon to be 7), I learned a LOT about food and ingredients in food. I look back with a bit of regret knowing that MLO got more healthy, pure, raw foods than BOA did.  BOA wasn't breastfed as long (due to my milk drying up as a result of the stress of the death of my father), and when it came time to start baby food, I bought all the crap that's out there. I didn't take organic seriously, plus IT'S EXPENSIVE! I didn't even look at labels. I now know that HFCS is in most all baby food, the affordable kind especially, EVEN THE VEGETABLES! Corn is used at filling for some meats and foods. Ugh. I shudder to think of the shit we're putting in our children. I worry about the future health of America.

MLO was breastfed far longer and I made pretty much all her baby food at home. I boiled carrots, apples, pears, squash, zucchini, and on and on. I put the batches of food in baby jars and froze them.

It might be just coincidence, but MLO eats and asks for more vegetables than BOA does. Certainly age plays a factor right now; it's somehow embarrassing to like vegetables. I pack a fruit, a vegetable, a grain and a protein, along with either bottled water or a veggie/fruit juice. I'm very curious to know how they'll turn out as adults. BOA seems to be making smarter choices and controlling her portions more. In other words, she's taking on more of the responsibility of her own food choices -- and making good ones at that.

I'm horrible at my diet. I'm not horrible at helping others. Hopefully soon, I'll read enough disgusting things to make me actually take personal action. In the meantime, please pray for this farmer to win this case today. Please pray for all people who are affected by bullshit companies like Monsato.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Fake Holiday President's Day

I ran across this article on yahoo dot com's home page.

Now go get yourself a car!

How sad. :(


“Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough. Not only have I found that when I talk to the little flower or to the little peanut they will give up their secrets, but I have found that when I silently commune with people they give up their secrets also - if you love them enough”
― George Washington

Friday, February 15, 2013

Not An Ordinary Valentine's Day

With My Mom undergoing diagnostic testing for cancer in her bones and brain, today, she had a CT scan of the brain. (We hope to know something by Monday.) Today isn't just Thursday. It's not just another doctor's appointment. It's Valentine's Day. And it's cancer.  So, definitely not an ordinary Valentine's Day.  Please keep My Mom in your prayers.


A few years ago, I started a Valentine's Day family tradition. I ordered Chinese food delivery, and broke out the Lenox china and fine crystal goblets. We lit the candles, turned out the lights. I had placed a heart-print tablecloth on our dining room table and that's how and what we ate:  Chinese food on fancy plates, juice in crystal goblets, cloth napkins, by candlelight.

My Valentine's Day Table

I've kept with the ambiance part and the dishes part, but not the food part.  This year, I ran out of time and was a bit sad that maybe we'll just have sandwiches. Then I remembered when I was a kid, My Mom made us peanut butter and marshmallow crème sandwiches.  I decided to stop by the grocery store and buy some marshmallow crème so we can have these crazy sandwiches on fancy china plates.  I had berries and other fruit at home already, which would make for an offsetting healthy option.  While at the store, I bought Promised Land chocolate milk to fill the goblets.

Sounds fun, right?

My car wouldn't start.

I sat in the parking lot of Tom Thumb, waiting. I made a few phone calls, brainstormed, pouted, and prayed. I exhaled - a lotlot. About half an hour passed, and I give the keys a turn and VOILA! Music to my ears!

Marshmallow and crème sammies on Lenox IS going to happen after all! I "lit" the flameless candles - vanilla scented - faaaaaancyyyy, right?

We sat there digesting our silly Valentine's Day dinner and drinks, digesting our day. And although it didn't go as planned, I suspect the memory will be more impactful because of the success in spite of the challenge. Yes, a good day, indeed.


And then there's this:  Gordon Keith's opening the window of the intimacy of love, the unspokenness of what all of us long for....  Thanks, Gordon.

Friday, February 01, 2013

The Pain & The Wait

"It's the pain I don't want to go through," she whined weakly through tears.

As I drove, I reached over and squeezed her frail, aged hand and nodded in agreement.

"I think I'm ready to meet My Maker, but I just don't want the pain."

Yeah, that part. The part that reminds us we're human and not in control. The part that challenges our bodies in order to soar or spirit, purify our heart and mind. That part. The pain part.  The good part. At least it's supposed to be.....

We all know it. We all know cancer has no mercy. It feasts off the sweet in the body and rots the body from the inside out -- turning the into a virtual cavity. (Ultimately, we all are only a shell anyway....)


It's not like no one saw this coming, that eventually The Big C would capture My Mom - a lifelong smoker. Smoking and cancer are very nearly peanut butter and chocolate, or peanut butter and jelly, except not as accidental (or yummy). 

This is the exact situation that is the political wrestling of who to blame: Big Tobacco or personal decision.

Both of these have manifested in My Mom.


Not only has she been told she has lung cancer, there's a possibility that she has bone cancer, too. The PET scan revealed lymph nodes are affected by the two-and-a-half centimeter tumor on her lung. The specific sites of concern now are the right femur and right scapula. The Tiger Woods-like oncologist is requesting an MRI of her brain, too.


"It's the waiting, too.  The waiting is so hard."

It sure is. 

Love you, Mom.