Saturday, March 24, 2012

Migas Make Mama J Happy

My Mother and I have been, on a fairly regular basis, going out to breakfast together on Saturday mornings.

We've found a folksy, quaint local place that's turned into a favorite of hers (I kinda crush on it too. And by "local", I mean notanationalchainrestaurant.).

Today, she ordered corned beef and hash -- a food I've never tried, nor have I been interested in trying.  She excitedly handed the menu to the waitress and said to me, "I haven't had that since I was a KID!"

After taking a couple bites, she offers me a bite, too, leaving a small clump of it on my plate (that was perfectly dressed in Migas, btw). 

Two or three years ago, I decided I'd be more open to trying foods to broaden my palate (and apparently it's broadening my hips, too! Fail.).  So, I poke my fork in this dog-food-look-alike. As it approaches my mouth, I smell it and guess what? It smells like dog food!  I take a breath and resolve to remain open-minded.

First impression: this must be what dog food tastes like! GROSS!

Briny. Grainy. Strong.

Not a fan.

And neither was Mom.

More power to you if you like this stuff. Feel free to have my share.

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