Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend Reprieve

Things I did not miss this weekend:

1.  Wonder Pets, Suite Life On Deck, Barbie Pegasus and generally speaking, ALL children's programming,
2.  Refereeing,
3.  Waking up before I wanted to,
4.  Evening routines,
5.  Shuttling and shuffling back and forth here and there,
6.  Running behind or late, save for my own fault (what can I say?  I'm not known for being punctual....)
7.  Pushing, coaxing, tricking, urging, firmly encouraging,
8.  Constant "gravity pull":  picking up toys, books, trinkets, crayons, shoes, clothes, towels, costume jewelry, etc. from the floor of the car and/or house,
9.  Consta-control-freakishness,
10.  Antagonizing.

What I *loved* about this weekend:

1.  The generosity of my SIL, the teacher, who offered to keep My Kids,
2.  Much needed and wanted time alone with My Husband,
3.  Accomplishing some long over-due tasks and chores,
4.  Going out with a group of friends on Saturday night, then continuing the party at my house till 1 a.m.,
5.  Taking two uninterrupted naps,
6.  Snuggling up on the couch with My Husband,
7.  Sitting alone, hearing Mass in its entirety - even though the visiting Nigerian priest might've been celebrating his first Mass (poor guy),
8.  Making fewer decisions than usual,
9.  Watching Mr. Grenada dance "Le Freak" on Wii "Just Dance", then sing "Man, I Feel Like A Woman!" on karaoke.  Awesome!
10.  Working on the back yard more (someday we'll be done with the gardening project....)

What I missed most this weekend:



Looking forward to interruptions, picking up stuff, refereeing, not napping, and all the life those Little Girls give me!

Thanks to my Teacher SIL who, I trust, received lots of good girlie auntie-niece time this weekend.  Love you!

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