Thursday, July 16, 2009

Painted Lady Butterflies: A Painting in Progress

It's been just about a week now, and progress has quickly been made in the development of the newest adventure, which, in this case, is a scientific observation of nature magically contained to the four walls of my home.

Day 5 - More Webbing and Some Growth

Day 6 - Plump and Hanging

Day 7 - Cocoons!

Notice the one cocoon that is in the middle of the jar, not hanging from the lid. My Eldest is sure it's dead. She's convinced it fell. I contend it's alive because it's floating in the silken web. When removing it from the jar, I was able to keep that webbing intact and transfer it to the treehouse, which might or might not be a mortal sin since the instructions clearly say to remove as much as the fress and webbing as possible.
The treehouse is nestled in a cool, dim, still area of our living room so we can all enjoy watching the Painted Ladies develop. If, God willing, they blossom as butterflies, The Girls set them free in the backyard and let them each go lay her 500 eggs and fly around the world ushered by her 10,000 eyes.

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