Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fundamentals of Effective Communication

My Husband and I didn't date. We met in a college class where he tutored me through college algebra while my father was dying of cancer. That right there is a double whammy: friendship beginning on stress (school AND cancer...not a good combo).

We met in late September. I got pregnant in January.

Yeah...THAT girl.

So we didn't give ourselves the chance to date and let a friendship really build. We don't have that strong foundation of the 'get to know ya' phase. So, we admit to one another and The World, that we have real communication issues.

Case in point:

This morning driving to work (we carpool), the conversation goes like this...

Me: I'm really hungry this morning. *applying mascara*
Him: Yeah, it's going to be 103 degrees today. Bad for breathing. The air quality is supposed to be level orange today.
Me: *applying MORE mascara and nodding sort of* Yeah. It's going to be a bad one. *wondering what the HELL my being hungry has to do with the heat advisory*

Long pause.

Me: *stops applying mascara* What did you hear me say just a second ago?
Him: 'I'm having trouble breathing today.'

I smile and shake my head.

Me: I said, 'I'm hungry today'.

He rolls his eyes, shaking his head side to side and smiles, "oh".

And THAT folks....is the epitome of our difficulties understanding one another. Funny thing is, we are both effective communicators.

(Just not with each other.)

But we keep trying....usually.

1 comment:

  1. Keep trying! It is worth it no matter what got you married!
